Please Think

Veritas vos liberabit (The truth shall make you free)

Wednesday, July 05, 2017


We love beauty! A beautiful women, man, flowers, sight, whatever beauty awakens in us a sense of happiness, wellbeing and above all happiness.

Sadly though we judge books and looks by the beauty only. Behind the beauty, we assume all sorts of peaceful, loving feelings that in our inner heart we forget we too have.
We yearn for that beauty, peace and love.

We do not look inwards to find it. That is why we were given two eyes, to look outwards. Only a few know that the secret of the beauty, peace and love rests in our heart, waiting to be released and enjoyed.
By seeing the outer beauty, we are reminded to look inwards. We shopuld not stay focused on the outward expression of that outer beauty but rather pay attention to THE message.
Sad, but, oh so true, we have eyes but do not see.
Consumerism in today's modern society, the need for ownership, selfishness together with greed and pride has created a moral decayed society, driven by the desire for immediate satisfaction and temporal happiness.
We have become chickens, looking for the next piece of food that is fed us…
Does that mean that we should not longer look for beauty?

“Die Augen sind der Spiegel der Seele” is a German saying. It means that the eyes reflect the soul (inner self).
I would suggest that we show more our inner happy feelings with our eyes.
Mahatma Gandhi was not a beautiful outward looking well-dressed man. He influenced people by his actions, words and eyes.

Our eyes do not betray us...

Wednesday, April 19, 2017



You have Magistrates and you have an idiot as a Magistrate.

The defendant party presented in court various documents.

His first witness signed a letter prepared and typed by him (that is called interfering with witnesses and is against the law) that the stupid witness signed. She held firm that it was the truth and nothing else but the truth. Unfortunately for her I had unearthed an affidavit that she had previously signed at a police station. The two documents relating to the same case are contradictory in their content. That is called perjury!
She happily continues to try and convince people that Jesus died for "our" sins. At this rate and with such followers, poor Jesus has his suffering and sacrifice cut out for ever.
I call her behaviour in and out of Court a disgrace and blasphemous.

The second witness, a well placed (sic) responsible person in a Police forum, was not shy either. He too fell into the lying trap. he even embellished his story... Confronted with his affidavit at a Police station previously on the same matter did not make him blush either.

Makes one think... justice?

The witness interfering defendant referred to these two witnesses as credible witnesses.

I have prepared and submitted to his Chief Magistrate a list of 30 questions all dealing with his unprofessional conduct.

Guess which magistrate presided?
Guess what he and his superior wrote as an answer?

And some call that justice!

Sunday, March 26, 2017


A new word, not a new question!
It surfaces to the fore
Ever and ever more
When you least expect it.
How and when will ...

Not of your making? Maybe.
But still, solve it.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

A one sentence nonsense... is it really?

I am afraid that few people will understand this "supposed" one sentence nonsense...
Try and let me know if you can.

Some people should stop talking with their mouth closed!

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Why men should treat women with respect..

I am indebted to Ilse Booyens, a very good friend for these incredible statements.

Men should read, reflect on these and act intelligently!

The sacrifices that women make for us...

● changes her name
● changes her home
● leaves her family
● moves in with us
● builds a home for us and when lucky with us
● gets pregnant for us (most of the times)
● pregnancy changes her body
● she gets fat
● almost gives up in the labour room due to the
unbearable pain of child birth
● even the kids she delivers bear our name
Till the day she dies... everything she does...
cooking, cleaning our house, taking care of our
parents, bringing up our children, earning, advising
us, ensuring we can be relaxed, maintaining all
family relations, everything that benefits us.....
sometimes at the cost of her own health, hobbies and beauty.
So who is really doing whom a favor?

Dear men, appreciate the women in your lives
always, because it is not easy to be a woman.
*Being a woman is priceless*
Rock the world ladies!
A salute to ladies!

every man must know the value of woman...

And I allow myself the statement: Your mother IS a woman!

Kind regards from Wessel
Sent from my Samsung Cell phone

Wednesday, August 24, 2016


in the beyond,
lives my beloved Stella.

By those mountains,
suffers my soul, jailed,
waiting, waiting, for her return.

Oh why, why, did she leave me,
her physical absence is unbearable,
the emptiness, loneliness weighing a ton.

Millions upon millions of tears,
thus far have not brought her back.
My heart keeps on beating, day in, day out.

Am I alone? No.
Daily, millions upon millions
cry, suffer, plead for a return of peace and love;
Only to face yet another daily tragedy.

“Vader Cats”, ja, je heb gelijk. De aarde is een tranendal.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Parliament is ...

A sad marionette comedy!
Why am I saying this? Well look what happens in any parliament.
A member of whichever party gets up and pronounces him or her self on a subject. At the end of the debate MPs vote. You'd think that as they represent their constituency they would vote with their supporters in mind. No way! They vote as they are TOLD to vote. Go against the party's hierarchy... and you will pay a heavy price. The hierarchy hold the strings of the marionette in parliament. My solution : All voting in parliament must be a secret vote. Is that not what democracy is supposed to encourage?

Tuesday, March 01, 2016

A serious question...

Yes, my question is serious...: "Am I who I am? If not, who am I?

If you wish, ask yourself that question. You might then find it easier to answer me.
In which case I cannot wait to hear from you.


Any vote that is not...

Secret is an insult to democracy!

In Parliament or other when public elected representation is held, our Representatives must vote only by secret vote. Do they have a free vote? NO! Their party's hierarchy dictates to them how they must vote. Refusal to vote as directed carries serious consequences for the disobedient member.

This is unacceptable.

Friday, January 01, 2016

Loneliness? ..."The monotony and solitude of a quiet life stimulates the creative mind." - Albert Einstein

How right he is...

Who said: "To understand and live with loneliness you need to live in peace with yourself and accept yourself as you are.”
I did.

Loneliness is not a condition nor is it a disease.
I see and experience it as an "État d'Être", loosely translated as a "State of Being"

What does a "State of Being" mean?
To me it means that you no longer try to compete with others, you no longer care (neither should you ever care in any case, of what others think).
One cannot satisfy the whole world.
Some have tried and paid a heavy price for it.
I do not want to be crucified, no thank you.

The majority in this world no longer resorts to nailing people on a cross... to day they nail you, if you let them, with words.
That is worse! So, learn to be free.
To be free means free of desires. Buddha said that "The need for ownership is a need that is never satisfied."

By all means improve yourself but accept your limitations, understand that ownership chains you to materialism and away from happiness.

Life teaches lessons the hard way. The hard way because that is how we learn and do not forget the valuable lessons.

The hard way can be through the sudden death of a loved one, as the loss of my wife. We were married for 50 years.
The ultimate proof of pure love is when you accept that the loss of the friendship / companionship / love of your wife / husband means the happiness and freedom of your loved one.

I console myself that my beloved wife lived in peace, in love with me, enjoyed life to the last 10 minutes to the fullest. I would not have wanted or desired a better way for her. The one moment here, the next... gone forever.

Her happiness is my suffering and loneliness... do you understand this blog now?

Has it ever occurred to you that as far as I know, all babies cry when they come into this world and yet few if any cry when they leave it?

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Don't women play sport? Competitive sport?

To judge by TV sport reporting, no!
One hardly ever sees or hears of women sport achievements . Ja, ja,ja... I know the tennis Williams sisters and even on rare occasion, some women golfer but overall? Very little.

In Europe? Women play basket ball, volley ball and even soccer. That is reported there.

Was a hype created about the FIFA women world championship? Hardly!

Strange... when one knows that half of the world population are women?
Where does the responsibility for this sad state of affair lie?

Sunday, September 20, 2015

They all play the fool with us "the people"... Just look...

Politicians play with people's minds.
Generals play with people's lives.
Lawyers play with people's liberties (and purse).
Church leaders play with their congregation's emotions.
Casinos play with people's weaknesses.
Dictators play with people's fears.
Hospitals play with patient's sufferings.
The media mocks people daily.

We the "the human beings or people" no longer exist as such. We are now called clients! We are no longer the man or the woman in the street either but are forced down ON THE GROUND! In the back of their mind the leitmotiv resounds gigglingly:

"The client is always right but not necessarily in his mind!"

Patients, ratepayers, voters, customers and others, no longer exist. We have become "clients". Hospitals, clinics, doctors now no longer have patients but clients. So do municipality, SARS, Government departments etc.

"They" no longer respect us and show it in their daily sarcasm.
We, the people are no longer taken seriously. We have been brainwashed and just accept what we are dished daily by the media.

And who controls the media?

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Hypocritical transparency...

That is what I call when our supposedly representatives vote in Parliament.
As you know in virtually all parliament (or whatever you want to call that gathering place where those leeches represent us), members have to vote NOT according to their conscience (or the way you'd like them to)but according to the PARTY LINE! It is a dictated vote from ... and by ... !!!

That means that even though they may not agree, they have to VOTE AS INSTRUCTED!
Toe the line or else!

Not in my book. Each member in Parliament should vote according to his/her conscience or the way the majority of his/her constituents want him/her to vote.
That entails keeping in touch with the people you represent.
You do not represent the party but the people, remember?

That means that voting per instruction is a SECRET VOTE as we the voter donot know who the ultimate person is that issues the instruction that those sheep follow.

Parliament is supposedly transparent. The debate is but not the vote.
Why? Because it is unknown as to who gives the instruction.

Hence my statement hypocritical transparency.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

So, you want to go to Court, do you? Well then ....

Remember this blog....
Justice for the man in the street? Stay away from lawyers. Even the bible tells you that!

In a dispute, before running to a lawyer visualize a cow and you will see that ...

You are pulling at the horns of the cow.
The other party pulls at the tail of the cow.
Two lawyers are sitting UNDER the cow.
Your lawyer pulls at two udders.
The other party's lawyer pulls at the other two udders.
The bastards are laughing and having great fun.
You are both being MILKED dry!

A lawyer is paid for his time, not for being efficient and never to resolve a dispute between two parties.

The dispute resolution is the prerogative and job of the Magistrate / Judge.
That is why they are being paid for, by you as a tax payer!

The lawyers job is to create the dispute and bring it to the Magistrate / Judge.
They too, need a job.

Definition of JUSTICE

Justice is the privilege of the one who is the most powerful: Financially, politically!

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Who wants to hear the truth?

No-one really!

Ayn Rand said: "The truth is not for all men but only for those who seek it."

Sadly, no-one wants to hear the truth, never mind to speak the truth!
You see, the truth hurts, it demands an effort, an open mind, to think, to digest, to question,

It is so much more convenient to sit back, relax and let someone else decide what you must think, know and do. And then, when the chickens come to roost because of your inactivity, concern, i.e. when it is too late, then people moan.

Life does not have a reverse gear...

Saturday, June 06, 2015

Friends? Trust?

You can no longer trust anyone, least of all your friends!
No wonder the French go daily on their knees and pray thus:

"Lord, help me against my friends! My enemies I can handle myself!"

Why do I say this?

Well the USA spies on their allies, Germany spies on tiny country Belgium and so one goes on and on.
Countries spy on each other, husbands on their wife, employer on employee ... Everybody spies on everybody.

Do parents spy on their children? Children on their parents?

What a rotten world... can't wait to get off it!

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Is this suicide... Yes or No

1- If a man jumps in front of a car and thereby saves the life of a child, does he commit suicide?
2- When Ghandi starved himself almost to death to change people's thinking and behaviours as well as to make his point and philosophy clear, did he commit suicide?
3- When Jesus refused to answer Pontius Pilatus, did he commit suicide?
4- if a man stops his heart medication and drowns himself by drinking gallons of water, thinning his blood and putting his life at risk, because he does not believe in secrecy but in full transparency and co-operation in solving problems, does he commit suicide? 

What is YOUR answer....?

Monday, May 25, 2015

The legal fraternity never fails to surprise me...

The scene: A last Will wherein 3 capable Executors are nominated by the deceased.
The "legal practitioner" appointed to do the legal paper work in cold blood asks the Executors to sign a Power of Attorney with the following wording: "We (the appointed executors)appoint "the legal practitioner" as our agent granting unto him full power of attorney to deal with all aspects of the winding up of the estate in our place and stead just as though he was appointed in the first place ".  If this is not hijacking then I don't know what is.
Basically the legal practitioner is asking them to step aside and put himself in and out of the picture! Nice he?

There are two meanings to the word "Executor":
1- The man in the street understands it to mean: “A person appointed to make sure that the last will of the deceased is respected and executed” No shenanigans please!
2- Some legal practitioners give the word a different meaning... they see this as "Lots of Money to be earned for little work!"

You see an Executor is entitled to a reward for looking after the deceased last Will.
It does not mean that the Executor must take or accept the reward.
We are not looking at peanuts here... in South Africa, the legal practitioner will ask for at least 3,9% of the value of the Estate. Converting some of those values into cash is even more rewarding, 5% upwards of such cash...

And still there are people who blindly believe…

Just tell me where...

Yes, that is how the future Inland Revenue's Department yearly form will start...

The I.R.D. (Inland Revenue Department, SARS in South Africa) at first asked thousands of questions on their form.
Problem was that someone had to read the answers and as people are not particularly good at filling forms, it was found that this was after all not such a good idea. True!

So then "they" decided to "shift" the responsibility for revenue collection to the employer (P.A.Y.E. - Pay as you earn) was born.
Brilliant! That sure solved their cash flow. It was strengthened to the nth degree and they could hammer the employer.
Still at the end of the year one needs to check whether employers have been "kosher". So what do "they" do now? they send you a simplified form. How much did you earn? How and please tell us how much did your boss take from you... etc.

But very soon, as ALL your money will be an entry in a computer somewhere the form will read as follows:

"Please tell us where ALL your money is as we want to lay our hands on it?"
The next step will be : "Where is your money?"
Finally: "We have got it..."

Soon your money will be out of your control...

Ah ja? How so?
I am not going to give a lecture on the origin of "money".
However, money as we know has over the years been metamorphosed.
First you could hold it in your hands, feel and count it.
Then it became "near money" (credit, something that you were allowed to use to buy whatever you wanted).
And now your "money" is in the process of being replaced by "a computer entry".

What this means is that you are now dependent on something over which you have absolutely NO CONTROL!
You no longer trust your bank? How are you going to withdraw your money from the bank when the bank's computer is down? A "run" on the bank is no longer possible! The bank can stop it in a second!

Already in Europe there are steps to stop the use of money altogether. In Greece the government wants consumers to pay amounts over Euro 70 by card or EFT!

And as you know, the technology exists already to by just presenting your cell phone at the till.
And then... what happens when there is no electricity? Your cell phone's battery is flat?
Your cell phone has just been stolen? Your bank card is at home / not renewed?

Money is no longer wanted... When you deposit it you must pay the bank to keep it for you even though they will lend it to someone else at a huge profit! Money for jam, no pun intended...

You used to do your banking inside, then the banks made you do it outside (f.o.c. at first). Now?  They make you pay for the card... and the prcie keeps on going up and up...

And so gradually the control over YOUR money has shifted away from you to the bank.
And the control of the banks is in the hands of ... excellent question!

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Paying for time...

is a waste of money and invites / encourages inefficiency!
What possible incentive could a person have when he is assured a certain amount of money per hour / day for doing a job?
Has it ever occurred to you that those people or professions are the least efficient ones in obtaining results? Their objective is not to solve problems but to keep the problem going, going, going on and on.
Visualise this: See a man pulling a cow by its horns and another pulling the cow by its tail.
Who is sitting at the udders and milking the cow?

Friday, May 22, 2015

Ever heard this nonsense: Speed kills?

Indeed utter nonsense. Speed does not kill.
If speed were to kill and the statement true, than the Autobahns in Germany should daily be littered with corpses!
Why aren't they? Simple.
There is a minimum speed of 120km and no maximum speed. This means that whoever drives on the German Autobahn concentrates on driving. Their minds are totally focused on the road, in front, sides and back. Their attention is not on the music, the news on the radio or the passenger yakking away happily. They keep both hands on the steering wheel. They never enter the Autobahn in an inebriating state or drugged.
No, drivers on the autobahn in Germany are aware that driving there is serious business.
Did I say serious business?

Driving is indeed serious business but how often doesn't one see people taking their eyes of the road by looking at their passenger, waving excitedly with their one hand and mostly concentrating on everything but the road ahead, side or back...
Speed does not kill! People do...

And I am not even mentioning those idiots who drive under the influence of alcohol or under the influence of a drug.
Some smoke while driving, eat or drink, others sing, whistle or sway with the music...They look at the sky, the scenery everywhere except on the road. Some even take "selfies" while driving! They are not focused on driving. Their focus is on everything but the road.
In their mind, the road is boring, very boring and in order not to fall asleep, they need to divert their attention. Driving is not something that one does consciously, no one does that automatically... like some reflex...

Driving a serious business? Not to them.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Banking the African way…

When a need is not satisfied, desperate people will search and invent a solution.
And so, the African mind has solved its banking problem. Ingenuous really.
They now use the cell phone to pay each other.

You buy cell phone time at your Cell phone provider. When you need to pay someone, you just transfer the equivalent amount to the other person’s cell phone.
Bingo, you bypassed the bank, Vat etc. and you don’t need to carry loads of cash on you.
Your phone has become your bank!


Marriage is like…...

A 45 gallon drum in which one has deposited two big boulders and sealed these inside the drum.
Married life starts when after the honeymoon, life gets hold of the drum and starts rolling the drum.

The boulders will bump against each other and pieces of the boulders will chip off. As the boulders bump against the sides of the drum, so again pieces are chipped off.
Over time, the boulders have somewhat been reduced in size and are increasingly resembling a perfect ball. The pieces that have chipped off have become a fine sand that grinds and polishes the boulders.

The boulders will continue to bump against each other and the sides. Only now, they no longer hurt each other so much. Life has taught also many a lesson and one has learned how to cope with the vicissitudes of life.

And then disasters strikes… One boulder completely disintegrates and turns into more sand. I cannot imagine a more horrible experience than “Death”.

The remaining boulder now has to survive alone. No other boulder protects it. It is alone, lonely, every second, minute, hour, day, week, month and year, relentlessly so…

And that is where I am now...

Death has robbed me of my wife.
Life without my wife is useless, boring, lonely and horrible.
The horrible thing about death is that it is permanent.
I am thankful that she did not suffer.
Her death was as painless at it was sudden and instantaneous.

My heart goes out to all who cry the loss of a loved one.
I know how you feel...

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Ok, agree on human rights but ...

what about human duties?
A thundering silence...yet, in my opinion that is most important.

Each and every person who wants to claim human rights must accept the duty to respect the human rights of others. Failing this duty, should not give a person the right to claim that which that person has denied other(s).

A victim who has suffered a crime committed by a criminal is left worse off than the criminal.
The criminal when jailed enjoys unequalled rights: The best medical attention (nobody wants a criminal to die in jail...), the right to mercy, early pardon, the opportunity to an education, psychological/psychiatric support, free board, clothing and lodging etc.
Who pays for all this? The victim as a member of society.

What does the victim get? If lucky, a short attention. Thereafter? Zilch.

Society has no time nor money for the victim. The victim can consider itself lucky when it is not blamed in the first instance! Such as, the victim was careless, buyer beware, it invited the attack (especially rape victims).

The questions I ask are:
1- Does a person who fails in its duty to respect the human rights of other(s)still have a right to claim human rights?
2- Does society only have a duty towards the criminal?
3- Does society not have a duty towards the victim?
4- Why does no-one talk / mention the rights of the victim?
5- Is it fair towards the victim that only the justice system should own the sole right to decide on the punishment for the criminal?

Sunday, November 02, 2014

Please can someone explain to me...

Why 219 schoolgirls kidnapped by Boko Haram in Nigeria are still held captive, married off against their will? In the 21st Century?

These girls are obviously not considered by Arab / Moslem / Chinese / The United Nations / The Americas / European including Vladimir / Indian and worst of all AFRICAN leaders as our daughters!

Answer me this question: Imagine that one of those girls would have been the daughter of one of those leaders, do you think that that leader's daughter would still be held captive, 6 months later?

Pity that Moshe Dayan is no longer with us! He had one eye, but what an eye!

Shame ... shame ... You have to feel sorry for African leaders...

Yes, one would almost cry out of pity for the b.....s! Why?

The leaders in Africa are shit scared! They need a convoy of at least 6 vehicles with blaring sirens to warn you: Here comes someone SO important that you better get out of the way, old chap.
If you don’t... well suffer the consequences!

You really have to feel sorry. They are never able to be alone, or to walk on the beach, go shopping or worse of all go, like the King and Queen of the Netherlands for a stroll at the beach to enjoy fresh sea air and mingle with the crowds.

Now compare this with European Prime and other Ministers. How do they travel? How do they go to work?
They travel by train, tram, cycle or walk to work.
When they have to fly to a destination, they fly with KLM, BEA or Air whatever.
If they "enjoy" a protection, it is certainly not visible...

A friend told me that years ago when walking in the street in the Netherlands, smoking, a car suddenly stopped at his level and a lady asked him for a cigarette. Being "Dutch and generous (don't you believe this generous story), he obliged and soon the car was gone.

It happened so quick he told me that he only seconds later realised that the person asking him for a cigarette was none other than Queen Beatrix!

A chauffeur brought him the next day a packet of cigarettes, compliments of the queen!

Have no fear; this will never happen in Africa my friend!

Africa the poorest continent...

yes, that is what I heard said on the radio the other day!

Nonsense. Africa is probably the richest continent left (Antarctica’s wealth yet a guess...)

I don’t know why journalists (supposedly bright people) consistently misrepresent facts! One continuously hears when referring to a country in Africa: "X" country is one of the poorest in the world, "Y" country is one of the poorest... etc

The countries are not poor! The PEOPLE are poor. Yes, they are poor.
Why? Well because of those f....n bastards of corrupt politicians.
That is why there are poor people in Africa.

The continent is so rich that there should not even be ONE single poor person in Africa. Yet, apparently we (Africa) have the poorest people on earth, the highest mortality rate of hunger, aids, malaria etc. The survival rate of children is the lowest etc. Nothing to be proud.

Africa fed itself before UHURU (independence) came to the continent.

Soon there will be one more beggar for food: South Africa (compliments of the murderers of (white) South African farmers!)

Tuesday, September 09, 2014

Go for Independance SCOTLAND ....

Yes, go for it! Vote for independence. Why? Simple...
The smaller the country, the more power to the people.
The bigger the country, the more power to politicians.

It's as simple as that. Remember: Power corrupts.

To manage a big country you need lots of monkeys in parliament and a huge structure from here to beyond yonder. You have managers who manage other managers who in turn manage say Foremen who manage supervisors who manage the (wo)man who actually WORKS !!!etc

Just look how many parliamentarians there are in China. How many in the European parliament... In India, in the U.S.

The (wo)man in the street has NO SAY. I hear you say "elections..."
Come on, don't fool yourself with those so-called democratic elections once every 4 or 5 years. They are a smoke screen and Bullshit!

As I mentioned before, Only Belgium can consider itself 100% democratic. Switzerland, Australia and New Zealand follow close. All these consider (quite rightly) that voting is a duty. The latter three fail in that they allow one to pay a small penalty for not moving his/her ass and go to vote... A disgrace.

In a big town you have a Mayor and a huge structure of paper pushers who collect huge salaries for sitting on their asses, blah blah in between tea/coffee/lunch and meetings after meetings. They do not work. They create work for the typist, the record keeper, the printer, the binder etc. All that carries no benefit to the poor mortal.
In small villages one has at most a Town manager, accountant, a secretary a couple of foremen and lots of workers. If one is unhappy, you march into the Town Manager's office, thump on the table and get action.

Years ago I was most dissatisfied with the Management of Cape Town City and marched bang into a meeting that the Town Manager was having with his immediate staff. Some 30 people were sitting around the table ... I asked who runs the show here. He got up and told me I disrupted his meeting. I told him that big boys do not cry but sort out problems. I stated my problem in front of all of them and demanded action.
I was escorted out of the building. A problem that remained unsolved for 4 weeks was sorted out within 24 hours.
He obviously did not want to be made too much of a fool.

Go to the top if you want ACTION.
Make sure you can get to the top!

This one can do when there is little or no structure (or you must be a bastard like me and know how to get your way to the top!

Crazy Europe! Look how on the one hand it collapses in small pieces while the big boys are trying to create one UNITED States of Europe.

Whenever you get the chance to vote for Independance, GO FOR IT. Rid yourself of those political vultures that scratch each others back at your expense.


Saturday, May 31, 2014

Stop insulting women ...

Appointing a woman to a post / position because she is a woman is an insult.
No woman worth her salt should accept such.

Appoint women, or whoever for their values, their worth, their contribution, yea even maybe for their lack of knowledge but for Piet sake NOT because they are women.

Nor should a black man accept such.

The most abused word of the late twentieth and beginning 21st century...

surely must be: DEMOCRACY.

The french say that if a " Lie is repeated often enough, it becomes a truth!
And that is exactly what those who repeatedly remind us of the word, wants us to believe. That is why I say: "I am fed up hearing that meaningless word! It has lost its appeal, its value, its worth!"

There isn't a day that it is not mentioned somewhere, implying that the woman/man in the street, should consider themselves divinely "Blessed" because ...

--> they now have DEMOCRACY!

--> they have a constitution!

--> they have rights!

And who uses, sorry abuses those words?
Those in power, the media.
What they are telling us is:
" Shut up! You idiots."
" You never had so good."
" Look how blessed you are."
" We look after you.'
" The law is there to protect you!"

and so on, and so on...

The removal of Gender discrimination is in the hands of ...

MOTHERS! Yes it is... It will take time, maybe two generations...

Mothers must learn to take their responsibility in disciplining their children.
Saying to your child:” If you don't behave, I will tell daddy tonight!"
Ma is just a "tell-tale"!
You can just do what you want to ma (careful though, don't overstep the mark!)
Daddy (i.e. the man of the house), is the disciplinarian, he is strong.

Just as bad is " I will ask daddy to night".
Daddy has power, he decides.
Ma follows, she is weak, she has no say!

When Pa and Ma have an argument, pa always wins...
Pa and ma should not have arguments in front of their kids.

It is this type of messages and that has over the centuries, still to these re-enforces women as second class, i.e. IMHO are at the root of gender discrimination.

Children are NOT stupid. They soon learn who is who and what is what.
Even babies do...

So, mothers, it is all in your hand.
Starting from your baby onwards, "Assert yourself"

Monday, April 21, 2014

Europe is sick...

Very sick!

Europe has no pride anymore. It is now at the mercy of oil, petro-dollars, shit scared of Putin and ready to be invaded.
Even Gaddafi knew it! He stated once when in Rome, at the VATICAN of all places, that Islam would invade Europe, take it over without shooting one single bullet. He stated that Islam is busy doing so with the blessing of European leaders and its people.

I have nothing against Islam, Christianity, the Jewish religion and all other religion provided they do not IMPOSE themselves on me or on my country / culture.

I have absolutely nothing against Moslem women wearing their burkas and similar clothes. Neither do I object to Moslem men wearing their long dresses etc.

So what is my problem?
My problem is simple. They must wear these clothes in THEIR own country where it is custom to wear such clothes.

Europe is sick because it tolerates these in their own countries.

The hypocrisy of it all is that when European women visit such countries, they are expected, no, it is demanded of them that European women respect and wear the local dress... and European women oblige!!!

Even Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands wore a headdress. Have you ever!
Any high-ranking woman from the Western World visiting one of those countries must conform... yes conform or else.

Those countries have guts, character; they honour and respect their culture but don't give a damn for Europe’s culture and society. And Europe bends over backwards...

Tuesday, April 08, 2014

An independent Judiciary?

You have to be joking... The judiciary is NOT independent! It never is!

Why am I saying this?
Simple, the top brass is appointed by the government in power.
So how then can the judiciary be independent when Governments appoint them?

I suggest that in order to have a better independent judiciary it should be appointed, not by the government, but for instance by a Council or such body. The members of the Council will be appointed and represent each and all Universities in the country.
Each University appoints "x" numbers. Each University appoints its members as their representative to the Council. The council must accept all members’ credential by secret ballot.

The potential members of the Judiciary are screened, vetted and interviewed by the full Council. Transparency is assured by a full TV coverage. Representatives of the press act as independent Monitors and certify the fairness and honesty of the process and its outcome.

Wednesday, April 02, 2014

A long life...

If that is what you want, you need to come to South Africa!
According to the Justice / Government, South Africa only counts 2 people who are dying... only two!
Yes you are reading this correctly: Only two!
Both were sentenced for many, many years in jail for bribery and corruption.
Being merciful and kind hearted the South African Justice and Government decided to let them regain their freedom for medical reasons: They are DYING!

So what does this say about the rest of the population in the eyes of the Law and Government? They do not exist? They are not human?
Shabir Sheik:
Jackie Selebe:
Have pity on Jackie... he was the president of INTERPOL !!!!
Makes you think, doesn't it?
By the way, both are still alive and well...

Welcome to 21st Century Justice (Provided you are well connected and with hard cash)

Sunday, March 02, 2014

No more private property rights in South Africa, never mind the Constitution…

The Institute of Race Relations (IRR) in a Press release dd 14 February 2014 has pointed out that the Investment Bill, in combination with the Restitution Bill, could ‘spell the end of private property rights in South Africa.

The South African Government are past masters at creating entitlement policies just to get votes and milk citizens and enrich themselves. Just to situate you… The father of land grab and reform programs, Robert Mugabe is no match to the ANC’s antics…
The ANC led South African government is introducing legislation that basically gives the government the right to


No need to try the cumbersome land claims procedure. When no settlement is reached by the willing buyer / willingseller principle, the State will take it lock stock and barrel into custody! End of story!

Two pieces of pending legislation could together result in the expropriation of commercial farming operations with zero compensation.
The first is the Restitution of Land Rights Amendment Bill of 2013 (the Restitution Bill), which will open up a new five-year window for the lodging of land claims. Some 379 000 new land claims are likely to be submitted and could cost the State about R179bn to settle, according to the Government's regulatory impact analysis. Yet in the 2013/14 financial year, the restitution budget was roughly R3bn. How, then, is the State to find the money to settle all these claims?
The answer could lie in the so-called Promotion and Protection of Investment Bill of 2013. This suggests that expropriated property owners will be entitled to 'just and equitable' compensation, but the Bill also contains a weasel clause stating that it is not 'an act of expropriation' if the State takes property, not as owner, but as custodian for others.
Where the State takes as 'custodian' - as the Constitutional Court has already ruled in a case involving mining rights - the deprivation of property from an existing owner is not matched by the acquisition of that property by the State. This means that there is no expropriation - and no right to any compensation.
Under the Investment Bill, the Government could thus pass legislation (modelled on mining law) providing that all agricultural land, farm equipment, and livestock vest in the State as the custodian of the nation's land resources - and inviting black South Africans, in particular, to apply to the relevant department for the right to use a portion of these assets for a specified period.
In these circumstances, commercial farmers would be deprived of their property, but the State would acquire it as custodian rather than as owner. Hence, there would be no 'act of expropriation' under the Investment Bill and no compensation would be payable.
Once the Restitution Bill is enacted and hundreds of thousands of new land claims are lodged, the Government could argue that it is obliged to honour these claims but lacks the money to pay compensation. Under the Investment Bill, it could then take the claimed land as custodian for land claimants - and without having to pay any compensation at all.
Says the IRR's Frans Cronje: "Together, these two pieces of legislation could spell the end of private property rights in South Africa - not just in agriculture but across the economy. We suggest that the Government and the African National Congress (ANC) may be preparing the ground to confiscate private property and distribute it to poor communities if and when they feel the need to do so. That time will come
when the political pressure on the ANC is so great that it fears losing a future election.
"The Bill could also spell the end of commercial agriculture, so bringing about the collapse of the rural economy. Rural poverty and unemployment levels would then soar. In urban areas, rapidly rising food prices and the inflow of rural job seekers would add to desperation among the poor and unemployed.
"A myth is being peddled that accelerated land reform will boost rural economies and promote social cohesion. This is not so. South Africa requires large-scale commercial farming to meet its food needs and drive its rural economy. This in turn requires strong property rights. By contrast, taken to their end point, the two Bills could devastate the rural economy on a scale comparable to Britain's scorched earth policy
during the Boer War.
"Both the Government and the Democratic Alliance, which says it will support the ANC in re-opening land claims, seem careless of this outcome, prompting the IRR to sound this warning. We do not do so lightly but because we can see where policy is headed."

Media Contact: Frans Cronje/Anthea Jeffrey
Tel: 011-482-7221 ext 2011/2015Email:

Saturday, March 01, 2014

Piece on earth....?

is a pipe dream. Sadly so, but a reality.
Why do I say this? Simple: The survival of any, and I mean any, specy depends on the death of one or more other species.
Of course if you donot believe that grass is a living entity, albeit in it's simple form, then that is another story.
In our bodies there is a constant war situation... bacteries are fighting for survivals, viruses are fighting for their food and so on.

So what will happen in the end of times ?
Either a complete destruction of the universe we know or it will be reshaped into a new universe. Take your pick! That is of course if "time" exists...

Sunday, January 05, 2014

The Nobel Prize foundation ...

The Nobel Prize foundation was found for the purpose of endowing and I quote: ." Prizes to those who, during the preceding year, shall have conferred the greatest benefit to mankind."

To this end I suggest that the foundation awards on a yearly basis a high Courage and Morality prize.

I nominate two (not necessarily in that order ) and motivate my reason for doing so:

1- Julian ASSANGE and
2- Edward Snowden.

Both have shown incredible courage in making public the shenanigans of politicians throughout the world.
They also point out to us how low the moral fibre of our leaders are.
Both must have known that in making public their findings their lives would become hell.
They are considered by governments as enemies of the State, if not the world.

Bribery and corruption creates every second thousand upon thousands of poor and destitute people throughout the world.
Hunger, thirst, simple housing and lack of education have no place in our "technological advanced" society.
What our society lacks is an advanced "moral society", like Jesus and Ghandi preached.

Will the Nobel Foundation take the courageous and moral step to encourage MORAL FIBRE?


Monday, November 25, 2013

My definition of democracy reads as follows:

Democracy is a political system designed to give to the majority of people who are gullible, ignorant, and stupid the opportunity to select among its own population the biggest liar, most ignorant and stupid one in order to benefit the one who is the most corrupt, cleptocratic, insane one allowing and authorising it to rob, make war and abuse on its behalf with impunity at the expense of the voter.

Tuesday, October 08, 2013

A refugee is…

a person who is outside his/her country of origin or habitual residence because they have suffered (or fear) persecution on account of race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or because they are a member of a persecuted 'social group' or because they are fleeing a war.

It stands to reason therefore that nationals leaving their home country for other reasons, such as searching for better pastures elsewhere, cannot be considered as refugees.

The responsibility for the recent horrible disaster at Lampedusa when hundreds of people lost their lives, clearly lies with the Political Leadership (sic) of their country of origin.
Italy is not responsible for their death. Nor is it Europe’s responsibility. Nor is it an UN Refugee Agency’s responsibility.

And that brings me to this: I am sick and tired of those African Leaders (sic) going around the world with their begging bowls while they happily deny their nationals of their right to a decent living by robbing their countries wealth. They happily point fingers to all and sundry, demand political rights at the UN and everywhere where there is MONEY!

Some African Leaders believe that God (or who-ever) created the white race for the sole purpose that it should fill that outstreched black hand.
Europe, The Americas, China, India, all have shown civilisations. And Africa? Except for Egypt, show me where Africa has developed, originated or invented anything? Sorry, I forgot, most African Leaders (sic) are still perfecting cleptocracy, bribery and corruption!

Those same African Leaders expect the whole world to develop Africa. It is not their job!

Africa has received Billions of $ in Aid, and still it is undeveloped! Africa and the Wordl forgets that before Africa’s UHURUS (Independences), AFRICA fed itself. The colonialists left infrastructures, plantations, farms, hospitals and schools behind. At that time, those African nationals who left their countries did this for political reasons. Not because they were hungry, sick or could not find work.

Germany and Japan lost the second world war. Their countries, factories destroyed, they had to clear up the ruins and rebuild. Africa only has to build from scratch, with modern technology. And still it lags behind. And will continue to do so for as long as ... the male rules Africa!

I have always maintained that the only way that Africa will ever develop, stand up and be proud of itself is when the African Woman will take charge!

The African Woman: What a creature!!!

Talk of multitasking. She is an incredible creature: She is patient, dedicated, a wife, mother to all and an unrivalled work horse. She can carry a load on her head, a child on her back, both hands full and still walk with a steady strong pace for miles… She can work the field, milk the cows and goats, feed her large family,give birth to a child the one minute and minutes later work the field! She will fetch water, clean clothes, beat the grain, cook, bake,tend to her sick child with love and still run the large household while singing.

The African Woman does not beg. She is proud, strong, endures and suffers pain and hardship with her head high, face and be beaten, raped, insulted, spat on and more and still get up and perform her duties, bearing no malice, hatred and be all forgiving.

The world should join me and SALUTE the African Woman.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Praying equals begging…

My dictionary defines praying as: To pray is to utter or address … (the Lord, Allah, Jehovah or…) in words or meditation to make a fervent request, praise, express gratitude, sorrow or plead for an intercession.

It is clear that there is no difference between praying and begging.

When you go on you knees or join your hands in “Prayer” and ask … (the Lord, Allah or…) to bless you, help the sick and poor, help you to find a better job or give you health, for rain, sunshine, a good harvest, to win a war / argument etc. YOU ARE NOT praying! You are begging, my friend!

I believe that we have forgotten HOW to actually PRAY! Praying for me has a very different meaning and purpose.

My understanding and definition of praying is: To allow your soul (or …) to freely expose itself to (the Lord, Allah, Jehovah or…) without any expectation.

This is mostly achieved by relaxing, closing your eyes, calming and freeing your mind, by not thinking, not even of nothing, then and mostly only then is it possible for you to allow your … (the Lord, Allah or…) to enter your mind. This is what might happen:
You might see, hear, feel, and experience something that has no word to describe it.

Some call it a vision (like Bernadette saw the Virgin Mary in Lourdes); others call it “the Inner voice” speaks, warmth, or experience perfect peace and tranquility.

This means that instead of addressing (the Lord, Allah, Jehovah or…) you allow (the Lord, Allah, Jehovah or…) to address you in (the Lord, Allah, Jehovah or…) the chosen manner.

Let us pray…

Thursday, August 29, 2013

The rot has homed in…

I mentioned before that the rot starts at the top of society / company or whatever.
When it reaches the bottom of it, you know that the rot has homed in good and solid.

Check this: The UN Security Council is presumed to represent the world and ensure peace. It is governed by certain rules and regulations. When decisions taken are set aside by certain members than you must ask yourself the question: What’s the purpose of having rules, agreements in place to protect us ordinary citizens?

It is said that rules are made for fools and that the wise use the rules to guide them in their interpretation! So why have rules if these are not enforced, respected?

The total abandon / disregard and refusal to ensure observance to agreements has now reached even a small village.

We have in our village a coach who is a law unto himself. He just wipes his feet on rules and even on his own undertakings. They obviously do not apply to him, so he believes. Worse? He gets away with it. It is tolerated and none does anything about it.
He has been allowed to earn money using the the sport facilities in return for certain very reasonable undertakings from his part. A bonus to him is that he does not have to pay any fees at all. It is like running a business without any fixed costs! Nice!

Does he stick to his side of the deal? You have to be joking. Not ONE IOTA!

I have reported this but nothing is being done about it.
I am told to shut up and mind my own business.
It is my business as I, like others, pay the prescribed fee and abide by the rules!

Now then…

Why should he be excluded from complying with his undertakings?
Why is nothing being done about his lack of decent commitment?
Why is he not being disciplined?

No idea. Being a maverick appears to be acceptable.

I have suggested that since he did not comply he should pay last year’s fees NOW.
Furthermore in order to encourage him to adhere to the agreement he should, this year, pay the new prescribed fee that will be refunded to him at end June 2014
IF AND PROVIDED he has complied 100% to the agreement.
Fat chance that it will happen…

And then, people say: Never take the law into your own hands!
Why not when the law is an ass?

What’s the use of having laws, rules and regulations at whatever level of society if these same laws, rules and regulations can be discarded at will by those who have “Clout”, “Cash”, “Power” or deviate from the norm?

Any suggestions welcome...

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Everybody knows...

that a government needs money to provide essential services to the community.

Equally, that as money does not grow on trees it must come out of our pockets.
That to pay a tax is an evident requirement for a society to function is understood (but not necessarily enjoyed…).

So why then are some of us refusing to pay, worse, cheat in order NOT to pay?

Simple! When taxpayer’s money is being squandered, misappropriated, enriches some at the expense of others it is a sure invitation to cheat.
And I am saying that: “ A government that through its action encourages citizens to be dishonest and cheat is a government that deserves to go to hell”.

Back to tax…

Taxpayers will also start to cheat and refuse to pay tax the moment the tax is perceived to be unfair and unjust. What is that threshold? I believe it is 10%. The famous tithe!

Definition: A tax is a punishment for doing the right thing. A fine is a punishment for doing the wrong thing.

Big business (often paying the least taxes) uses a tremendous amount of time, resources, and brainpower to minimize its tax liabilities.
I believe this to be wrong.
The business community should use brainpower to uplift our society and contribute to our well-being.

I propose a simple tax… Remove all existing taxes, tax allowances, and replace this with one tax only.

Tax all cash deposits and bank transfers!

I made this suggestion ± in 1975 to the South African Government. They did not even bother to acknowledge it. No Government will! It is too simple. The unemployment created will be taken up by free enterprise.

The tax collection must be done in and by the banking system. Essentially what this means is that the Inland Revenue Department (or whatever name they are known by) only has to control Banks and their affiliates. That is where the cash is!

They no longer must send millions of tax forms, process and follow-up on these. Collect money, issue penalties, make tax allowances for depreciation, no more capital gains taxes etc. etc.

All things in life are simple. Homo Sapiens does not like simplicity!

Aren't we stupid?

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Don't, no don't ...

trample upon those that are in a lesser position in life than what you are.
Uplift them, educate them, pull them up, train and respect them.

They are usually NOT the trouble makers. They are the defenceless, used and abused ones Poor, uneducated people have no time, inclination to think or to question what happens around them.
Their sorrow position is kept and maintained by their so-called leaders...

The so-called leaders are actually the bastards who USE these people for their own gain.

A nice starting position is as a Union leader. From this position it is not such a giant step to get into top position (in government or in private enterprise).

The South African environment is littered with these.

- After 1994, one even took a 4 X 4 and went on a "Getting to know you" mission throughout Africa. Paid by taxpayers.

- One of the richest nouveau riche in SA was a very prominent Union leader, and more! Now as a mining boss, he thinks differently.

And then, the USSR ... how many of those are now part of the super-, super-wealthy?

People often say to me "But Wessel, the masses keep on voting for those people. Can't they see that they are corrupt and that they are just being used etc.?"

Wrong thinking! You have to think like poor people.

This is how poor people think: " I am proud that one of us has at least managed to become rich. He shows me how. I must listen and follow in his footsteps. I must vote for him, maybe he will show me how I too can become rich!"

Sad... very sad!


Does not affect all citizens of a country in the same way.
So please tell me why does every country come up with ONE inflation figure?

One would expect that at least three inflation figures would be reported every month. The base information is there. How the figures are used, interpreted and the impact these have on the different layers of society will naturally differ. And that is precisely what the governments do not want.

I propose:

1- one inflation figure for the poor
2- one inflation figure for the middle class
3- one inflation figure for the rich.

Now that would be meaningful.

But, you may ask, why is it not reported as such?

Simple1 Governments have no intention at all to uplift the poor or even the middle class.

1 - The poor must be kept poor and busy battling to survive. Hungry people have no time to question the actions of governments. Feed them with morsels before elections and the poor are good for another lot of lies, false promises.

2- The middle class is dangerous. They are the troublemakers. They can start revolutions and upset the apple cart. At the moment the middle class is kept busy, busy with smart phones, TV programs, sexual issues (always popular), so-called "democracy issues" and yes, even human rights screams and abuses.

3- And the rich? They don't really care in any case.

Governments create inflation as it suits them. They spend more than what they collect, pay themselves fat salaries (plus perks galore). So governments happily continue to borrow money and re-imburse the creditors with devalued money!

Friday, August 23, 2013

There are those....

who are convinced that they are "Oh so important and indispensable to the company/business/municipality/country".

Well then let them fill up a bucket with water, dip their hand in it and shake the water as much and as long as they want.

When tired, let them remove their hand and watch the water....

The time that it will take for the water to be calm is at best the time that it will take for them to be missed...

That should bring them back to earth!

No one is indispensable.

If you want...

to keep your position in life, you should never "Rock the boat"!

Whether it is in politics, free enterprise, and government department. Yes, in virtually any possible association of people, it hardly ever pays to "Rock the boat".

Do so at your own peril!

You run the risk of:

- Being crucified (like Jesus Christ),
- Burned at the stake (like Joan of Arc, nicknamed "The Maid of Orléans")
- Jailed for life (such as Manning now and others before and after him)
- Find yourself as a permanent free prisoner in an Embassy such as Julian Paul Assange is!

Admittedly these examples are all in the political field but, make no mistake, "Rocking the boat" in free enterprise, government department, in virtually any possible association of people, it rarely benefits the one who rocks the boat!

My question is:

- When you know that "something is wrong" and you do NOTHING about it: FOUL! Are you a coward? Poltroon? Dastard? Recreant? Milksop? or
- Are you just a realist?

Let's see...

When we see / know something to be wrong, should we (you and/or I):

1- Shout (moan) and do nothing?
2- Keep our mouth shut and suffer in silence?
3- Act!

Now you tell me...

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Whistle blowers ...

Should be respected. They warn us that

- Our rights are being trampled upon.
- If we donot watch out,a dictator is about to be born.
- The parliamentary system is not working well.
- Our hard earned money is being wasted.
- Some are abusing our trust and the power we gave them.
- Our values are being changed without our knowledge.

So as a reward for all this "Manning" gets 35 years in jail!

Politicians sure don't like to be caught, do they?
In fact they are furious when caught with their fat fingers in the cookie jar!

Guess who in the USA was not but now is happy...

My question is simple...

Facts first... then the question!

1- Yugoslav republic is no more? It now consists of Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Herzegovina, the Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia.

2- The USSR no longer exists? It now consists of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldavia, Ukraine.

3- Other European countries no longer seem to be happy to live together? They also want their independence (UHURU).

4- Tiny Belgium (14 million inhabitants) is split into Federations. The German, being the smallest one, counts some 80.000 inhabitants...

5- Germany also has its Federations.

6- The Basques in Spain (and France) are also not happy.

7- Neither are the Kurds happy!

Does that make sense?

We all know that South Africa was split into various parts such as Transkei, Ciskei, Bophuthatswana, Lebowa etc prior to 1994.

Is South Africa now ONE (happy?) country?

The question I ask is simple:
Shouldn't South Africa with its diversity follow the same road of Yugoslav, the USSR and others?

If not, why not?

You decide for yourself...